Workplace Safety Reminder from Blades Direct

As we have stated in previous articles, workplace safety and the use of proper safety equipment is essential when operating any type of machinery or heavy equipment. Additionally, adhering to mandated safety guidelines are of the utmost importance to ensure a safe working environment. Unfortunately, New York brings us a sobering story of what can happen when contractors or construction workers let their guard down even just for one moment. A construction worker erecting an apartment building fell to his death last month when he went through a hole in the floor and hit his head on a steel girder in the basement below. The accident was described as "horrifying" and is a stark safety reminder for everyone who works in the construction industry and operates potentially dangerous equipment. Please remember that diamond blades and saws can be extremely dangerous when not operated properly. Although the story posted below involves an accident not involving equipment or machinery, it should still be a reminder to remain alert at all times when working on a job or at a construction site.


Queens Construction Worker is Dead in Horrifying Accident A construction worker erecting an Astoria apartment building died Thursday after he fell through the floor and struck his head on a steel girder, cops and witnesses say. The 42-year-old, whose name is being withheld, was braving bone-chilling 12-degree temperatures on the Broadway site near 45th St. around 4 p.m. when he fell through the hole in the first floor, plummeting 15-feet to the basement below, officials said. [ READ MORE ]